Amazing Beer Drinking Man

Amazing Beer Drinking Man

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Regular Beer

Last night I was having a cold one talking to my better 2/3rds. She turned to me and asked “Are you ever going to review any regular beer?”. So now I have to think about regular beer. What is regular beer, Budweiser? I will drink Bud in a pinch but I don’t think any one is interested in a review of the King of Beers. But Budweiser is a Pilsner style and that is what she is getting at regular beer equals Pilsner beer.The style is most familiar to us as beer. It is pale yellow clear with a good head just what our mental image of beer should look like.Over the last 200 years Pilsner has become by far the most popular beer style here in America and in Europe. Pilsner is light crisp and what we think of first when think of beer. Pilsner comes from he Czech city of Pilsen and was one of the first bottom fermented beers that is the hallmark of the style. August Busch copied the style and Budweiser became the largest selling beer in world. So off to the local beer pusher to find some Pilsners. I love my job.

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