Amazing Beer Drinking Man

Amazing Beer Drinking Man

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Favorite Beer

One thing I get asked all the time is what is your favorite beer or what is the best beer. Now you would think this would be an easy question to answer. The easy answer for me would be Sam Adams Boston Lager other than in a brew pub this is most likely the beer I would order when out. The tougher answer is I am not really sure, one I am on a journey of discovery (so much beer so little time) two I am never drinking the same beer twice. Though check out my Naughty Nurse review that was a very pleasant surprise. I have been pondering this post for several weeks as a follow up to the only 2 beers I never finished. Falstaff was far from the best beer I have ever tasted but it some respects it was my favorite. In high school and college I worked summers building boat trailers. From 8 to 5 every day we worked assembling trailers. It was hot sweaty dirty work. At 5 we hopped into our cars and headed to a local lounge. The lounge had 20 oz mugs chilled and the draft beer was Falstaff. Now these mugs were over chilled the beer would actually have ice floating on the top. I know that beer that cold loses flavor but nothing ever went down better than that ice cold Falstaff on a 90 degree work day. Some days you would drain the whole mug in one sip. I swear you would see steam coming off us as we drank that beer. That my friends was my favorite beer.


  1. This makes me nostalgic for Pabst Blue Ribbon. One dollar drafts in college with good friends in a dark little watering hole. It doesn't get much better.
